This special series on “Improved Quality of Life after Thyroid Surgery” is guest-edited by Dr. Vaninder K. Dhillon and Dr. Elizabeth Cottrill.
Preface to the series on “Improved Quality of Life after Thyroid Surgery”
Review Article
Post-thyroidectomy hypothyroidism and thyroid hormone supplementation: a narrative review of the history, treatment, and patient experience
Thyroid cancer survivorship: the patient experience
Radiofrequency ablation of thyroid nodules: a narrative review and perspective on the patient experience and quality of life
Quality of life after remote access thyroid surgery: a narrative review
A narrative review of scars after surgery: what to expect
Improving surgeon-patient communication in thyroid cancer diagnosis and treatment discussions: a narrative review
Early assessment of laryngeal dysfunction after thyroid surgery: a narrative review on detection and treatment considerations and the role of speech language pathology
Beyond hypocalcemia: the impact of permanent post-operative hypoparathyroidism on patient quality of life—a narrative review
A narrative review of decision aids for low-risk thyroid cancer
A narrative review of molecular testing for indeterminate thyroid nodules: living with the results
Telemedicine as a new platform of care: assessing quality of care for the endocrine surgical patient—a narrative review
The series “Improved Quality of Life after Thyroid Surgery” was commissioned by the editorial office, Annals of Thyroid without any sponsorship or funding. Dr. Dhillon and Dr. Cottrill served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series. Dr. Dhillon serves as an unpaid editorial board member of Annals of Thyroid from July 2021 to June 2025.